My Seventh Grade Year

My seventh grade year threw a lot of twists and turns at me. I had to learn A LOT of things to get through seventh grade.

When I first arrived in August, I expected not too much homework. But soon, I found myself up until 11 trying to get everything done. By October, I was drowning with homework, quizzes, tests, and essays due the next day. This was because I couldn’t manage my time very well. I saved my vocabulary packets and reading notes to the very last minute. But as the year passed, I got better and better at time management. I wouldn’t procrastinate. I was never tired in the mornings–okay, I was almost never tired in the mornings.

Another thing that took getting used to was a lower locker. Every time you wanted to go to your locker–which was almost after every class, you had to get down on your knees while there’s another person directly above you. I wish that we had lockers that were separated just by a little. But, it wasn’t too bad.

Don’t get me wrong, seventh grade was a really fun year. My advice for the next year seventh graders, is to not stress too much and have a good time.

2 thoughts on “My Seventh Grade Year

  1. Good writing, I had a lot of homework to do and never enough time at the beginning of the year too. once the year went i managed my time better also but I’m still very tired in the morning and I don’t think I will ever be a morning person. Great writing and please come visit my blog @ valeries203.

  2. Pretty much! I had a very similar experience, all the hw and quizzes, tests, and learning checks was very overwhelming, but eventually I learned how to manage my time. Good job!

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