Pep Rallies

“Go wildcats! Y’all can win!” The sounds of roaring crowds as they cheer on the wildcats. The cheerleaders do all their stunts and tricks. It makes you feel pumped up to win your next game for your school! Pep rallies are SUPER fun!

Earlier in the pep rallies, they call out the names of all the team players. And this year, I’ve been on the volleyball and basketball team– so it feels good when they say your name to stand up. You feel really proud to be standing up with all eyes on you.

In addition, all the classes are shorter, which means you are in a happier mood! The classes are about 35-40 minutes which means you don’t have as much homework because you can’t get to everything that was planned! Therefore, you don’t know how to do the homework.

Lastly, you get to hang out with your friends! Theres no assigned seats like in class and you get to talk and be as loud as you want! Barbra and I sit on the bleachers laughing our heads off! Being with your friends just adds to all the games and fun!

Now you know exactly why I wouldn’t want to miss a single pep rally… because I love them!

True Friends Would…

…never ever leave your side

…be there for you

…eternally catch you when you fall

…never talk behind your back even when pigs start to fly

…in no way, ever think of leaving you

…forever, be honest with you

…laugh with you and not at you

…stick with you through hard times

…bring the sunshine to your rainy days

…choose you out of everybody

happy valentines day - pink gerbera with a heart of chocolate!
Creative Commons License Photo Credit: Vanessa Pike-Russell via Compfight